Recipe 1 – Let Corruption and Inequality Prevail and Thrive

Corruption, Fires and Lack of Transparency - The Perfect Cocktail for Mediocrity and Underdevelopment.
Articles 18/09/2024

In his own words, Tiago Caiado Guerreiro says: “In Portugal, there is a lot of talk about corruption, but nothing is done about it. Corruption is the result of a lack of transparency in processes, excessive bureaucracy, unclear laws that give those in public power the opportunity to create difficulties in order to ‘sell facilities’. If it were easy and transparent to license a company, construct a building or operate a business, there would be no or negligible corruption. Of course, this would make us all equal in fact and in law before the law, giving everyone the same opportunities.

It’s like fires, which many ignite at night when it’s damp and cool and no one has the courage to point the finger at them, saying that they are criminals linked to unclear interests. So the next time you hear a party or official say that they want to create more laws and more inspections, more checks and more authorizations to ensure that there is no abuse or corruption, you know that they are “cooking” a recipe to create the right environment for “selling facilities”. And if this is the case, “some remain more equal than others”.”

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.

