New Statute of the Portuguese National Health Service

With the approval of Decree-Law No. 52/2022 on 4 August, a new National Health Service (SNS) statute is in force in Portugal, which has not happened for almost 30 years.
Articles 18/11/2022
Almost 30 years since the publication of the previous National Health Service (SNS) Statute, a new Statute for the SNS has been approved and is now in force.

The new Statute includes clarifications regarding the definition of the SNS, the catalogue of its establishments and services, the rights and duties of its beneficiaries and its territorial and functional organisation, and foresees the creation of an Executive Board of the SNS, which is one of its main innovations.

Furthermore, the Statute of the SNS also contains provisions on its human resources and workforce (by foreseeing the creation of a regime of full dedication progressively applied to medical doctors), on financial resources (by granting more autonomy to hospitals to hire workers and to invest) and on the participation of beneficiaries, municipalities, and other entities in the operation of the SNS.


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  • Life Sciences
