Ricardo Costa Macedo, Rafael Cunha Jóia and João Bertholo Meireles in Life Sciences Lawyer

The Partner of the Intellectual Property and Life Sciences Department, and the Trainee Lawyers, clarify how technological evolution can impact, in legal terms, the health sector.
News 04/08/2023

In the article “Telemedicine in Portugal: navigating legal challenges and liability risks”, Ricardo Costa Macedo, Rafael Cunha Jóia, and João Bertholo Meireles explain the legal challenges that may arise with the massive integration of technologies in the healthcare sector and how professionals in this area can minimize the risks:

“A possible way to tackle these legal challenges and liability risks is to inform the patient of the eventual outcomes of telemedicine”.

Read the full article in Life Sciences Lawyer Magazine (page 37).

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.

Practice Areas

  • Life Sciences
