How is child support determined?

"Family by Law" is a section of Caiado Guerreiro where the team leader of the Family and Succession Department, Stéfanie Luz, answers questions on the subject.
News 28/05/2024

Contrary to what the name may suggest, alimony does not only cover the child’s alimentation, but it also includes everything that is considered indispensable for subsistence, clothing, housing, safety, health, instruction, and education.

A figure can be set for all of these points as a whole, or a figure can be set for part of them (food, clothing, housing, etc.) and other expenses (education, extracurricular activities, etc.) divided by proportion (50/50, 70/30, among others depending on the case).

As opposed to what occurs in other countries, Portuguese law does not stipulate a fixed formula for calculating child support, preferring a case-by-case analysis. The criteria used to establish this amount is centred on a balance between the child’s needs and the parents’ means.

The following will be taken into account:

  • The parent’s salary
  • The parent’s other sources of income (i.e., rent, benefits, etc.)
  • The parent’s fixed expenses
  • The child’s average monthly expenses

Talk to your lawyer with more questions about family and succession.

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.

Practice Areas

  • Family and Inheritance
