Caiado Guerreiro Academy welcomes eight trainee lawyers

News 01/09/2022

Resulting from the investment in the increase of the team’s skills and within the scope of the “Caiado Guerreiro Academy”, created two decades ago, there are eight new trainee lawyers that incorporate different multidisciplinary areas of the firm:

  • Maria Francisca Morão – Commercial
  • Tomás Ribeiro – Commercial
  • Diogo Oliveira – Commercial
  • Inês Henriques – Commercial
  • Inês Matos – Litigation
  • João Bertholo Meireles – Health, Insurance and Intellectual Property
  • Selma Araújo Carvalho – Mass Litigation
  • Jaime Pestana – Tax

For João Caiado Guerreiro, “the Caiado Guerreiro school has been a reference for many years and bringing new knowledge to the team is important in terms of differentiating skills, capable of continuing to provide a quality service to our clients, also creating, in our team, learning dynamics among all”.

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.
