Beatriz Ribeiro launches book on the Right to the Carry forward of Tax Losses

News 29/06/2022

The work published by the publisher Almedina, entitled “The Right to the Carry forward of Tax Losses – Legal Framework of its Regime in terms of IRC and IRS” (corporate income tax and personal income tax, respectively), has emerged as a result of Beatriz Ribeiro’s master dissertation, presented in January 2022 at the University of Minho Law School to obtain a Master’s degree in Tax Law.

This dissertation analyses the legal regime of tax loss carry forward, which, due to its practical relevance in the economic cycles of taxpayers – in particular companies – be they natural or legal persons, allows the recovery of losses ascertained for a specific tax period, through their deduction from their positive income.

Furthermore, it also analyses other business realities – corporate groups and corporate restructuring operations – which, due to their characteristics, deserve their own and differentiated treatment, noting, whenever pertinent, the pathologies related to their application in light of the corporate reality, supported by doctrinal and case law developments in this area.

Beatriz Ribeiro has a degree in Law from the University of Porto Law School and a Master’s degree in Tax Law from the University of Minho Law School. The trainee lawyer explains that “after the public exam for her Master’s degree, the possibility of publishing this book was immediately debated, since there was no work that studied this subject specifically and, due to its relevance in Tax Law, essentially within the scope of company taxation, its publication was considered indispensable”.

The trainee-lawyer says that “after the proposal for publication presented by Almedina and taking into consideration their prominence and prestige in the edition of legal works in other areas of law, it took only four months, from the sending of the proposal and occasional modifications to the text of the work, until it was marketed and put on sale to the public in general”.

“Now, I intend to continue my work at Caiado Guerreiro, where I am part of an excellent team and want to continue to grow as a lawyer since I am given all the conditions to accomplish but also acquire knowledge”, she concludes.

João Caiado Guerreiro, the firm’s managing partner, revealed that “it is a source of pride to have a professional like Beatriz Ribeiro on our team. She has just published an excellent book and has all the qualities to become an excellent lawyer at Caiado Guerreiro”.

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.
