360º degree intellectual property protection in the healthcare industry

News 24/06/2022

It is known that there is an increased demand for health services across the world. Global population growth, aging population and an increased pace of medical advances are some of the factors contributing to the higher demand for health care services. According to Eurostat data, the current healthcare expenditure relative to Gross Domestic Product in 2019 in the European Union was of 9.92%, being that among the EU Member States, Germany (11.7 %) and France (11.1 %) had the highest healthcare expenditure relative to Gross Domestic Product in 2019, Portugal having a 9.53% healthcare
expenditure relative to Gross Domestic Product in said year.

A relatively consensual definition of health care industry – also called the medical industry or health economy – is an aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic system that provides goods and services to treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care. (…)

Read the full article (page 14 and 15).


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