“2023 will be a year of many economic uncertainties.”

João Caiado Guerreiro, the managing partner of Caiado Guerreiro, was invited by Jornal Económico to participate in the Leaders Forum of the business law sector in the edition of Who's Who of Business Law Practice in Portugal.
News 11/12/2022

In the Who’s Who of Business Law Practice in Portugal edition, from the Jornal Económico, João Caiado Guerreiro, managing partner of Caiado Guerreiro, was invited to share his perspective on business law practice in 2023.

For the partner, “2023 will be a year of many economic uncertainties”, highlighting in this context the “war in Ukraine, the tension between China and Taiwan, the strong increase in raw materials, together with the increase in transport and consumption costs due to the energy crisis we are experiencing”.

João Caiado Guerreiro also explains “social uncertainty”, with economic issues making individual and collective projects extremely difficult, which will limit “people’s freedom of action, all this when we are still recovering from two years isolated due to the pandemic”.

However, the firm’s managing partner believes that the “legal work will continue to provide a high-quality service, with different approaches and excellence in the increasingly close and strategic relationship with clients and partners”.

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.

