Industrial Hemp in Portugal – Legislative amendments

Articles 05/09/2022

In order to distinguish between the production of cannabis for medicinal purposes or for industrial purposes, the legislator fixed yearly deadlines (31st of July of each cultivating year) for submitting the authorization request to the Directorate-General for Food and Veterinary Office (DGAV) and adding a subparagraph stipulating that the application must inter alia specify the recipients of the production and which products are to be produced.

Furthermore, article 3-A was added to this Ordinance, establishing the technical requirements applicable to the cultivation of the cannabis plant for industrial purposes.

This is probably the most substantial legislative change, and it is also the one that contributes most to the differentiation between the requirements that need to be met to cultivate the cannabis plant for industrial purposes.

These amendments to Ordinance 83/2021 arise from experience gathered with the implementation of legislation relating to the authorisation process for the cultivation of cannabis in Portugal, better detailing procedures and technical requirements applicable to the cultivation of cannabis for industrial purposes so that this cultivation is conducted in the best agronomic conditions and better adapted to this purpose.

These are significant development as regards clarifying the pathway to obtain a license to cultivate and produce cannabis for industrial purposes in Portugal.

To know more about Industrial Hemp in Portugal please check our article in this link.

The content of this information does not constitute any specific legal advice; the latter can only be given when faced with a specific case. Please contact us for any further clarification or information deemed necessary in what concerns the application of the law.


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