Stéfanie Luz

Associate Lawyer
Team Leader - Family and Succession Law Department

Main Practice Areas


Civil Law

Family and Inheritance





English, French


French Desk

Stéfanie is an Associate Lawyer and Team leader of Caiado Guerreiro’s Family and Succession Law Department.

Develops its practice in advising family offices and individual clients in the area of succession law, both in succession planning, wills, negotiation, organisation and generational transfer of assets pre-litigation and in court. She also handles a wide range of family law cases, including divorce, parental responsibility regulation, international child kidnapping, among others.

Participates in matters relating to labour law, in a wide range of matters and operations relevant to labour matters, both in terms of counselling and monitoring disciplinary proceedings of a misdemeanour nature and judicial litigation.

Stéfanie has a degree in law and a master’s in forensic legal sciences from the Coimbra University Law School.

  • Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association, 2016
  • Master’s degree in Forensic Legal Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, 2014.
  • Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, 2012.
  • Team-leader Family and Succession Department Caiado Guerreiro, Sociedade de Advogados, since 2020
  • Associate Lawyer Caiado Guerreiro, Sociedade de Advogados, since 2016
  • Trainee lawyer at Caiado Guerreiro, Sociedade de Advogados, 2015
  • Trainee lawyer at Filipe Oliveira, Silva Cordeiro e Isabel França, Law Firm, 2015
  • Trainee lawyer at Vasco Gameiro, Lawyer, 2013-2015
  • Trainee at Julgados de Paz, 2012
  • Jurist – Translator – Université Libre de Bruxelles Centre for Private Law (Belgium), 2012
  • «Planejamento Tributário Pré-Imigratório Para Portugal» in Planejamento patrimonial e sucessório: controvérsias e aspectos práticos, Daniel Zugman, Frederico Bastos e Renato Vilela, Editora Dialética, 2021
  • “Gestante e mãe”: questões suscitadas pela gestação de substituição, Stéfanie Luz, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, Junho 2014
  • Bar Association